Publications from collaborative work of the SOLAR fellows
- Kovanur Sampath, K., Treffel, L., P. Thomson, O., Draper-Rodi, J., Fleischmann, M. and Tumilty, S., “Changes in biochemical markers following a spinal manipulation–a systematic review update.” Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy (2023): 1-23.
- Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., (…) Cerritelli F, (…) & Draper-Rodi, J. (2023). “Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management therapies: the CoPPS Statement.” bmj 381 (2023).
- Thomson, Oliver P., Brett Vaughan, Kesava Sampath, Jerry Draper-Rodi, Michael Fleischmann, and Francesco Cerritelli. “The osteopaths’ therapeutic approaches questionnaire (Osteo-TAQ)-a content validity study.” International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 45 (2022): 48-54.
- Hohenschurz-Schmidt D, Thomson OP, Rossettini G, Miciak M, Newell D, Roberts L, Vase L, and Draper-Rodi J. “Avoiding nocebo and other undesirable effects in chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy: An invitation to reflect.” Musculoskeletal Science and Practice (2022): 102677.
- Draper-Rodi, J., Vaucher, P., Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., Morin, C. and Thomson, O.P. 4 M’s to make sense of evidence–avoiding the propagation of mistakes, misinterpretation, and misinformation. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2022, vol. 44, p. 29-35.
- Draper-Rodi, J., Vaucher, P., Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., Morin, C. and Thomson, O.P. Éviter la diffusion de quatre irrégularités pour donner du sens aux preuves : les erreurs, les mauvaises interprétations, les fausses déclarations et les fausses informations. Mains libres, 2022.
- Thomson, O.P., MacMillan, A., Draper-Rodi, J., Vaucher, P., Ménard, M., Vaughan, B., Morin, C., Alvarez, G., Sampath, K.K., Cerritelli, F. and Shaw, R. Opposing vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic-A critical commentary and united statement of an international osteopathic research community. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2021, vol. 39, p. A1-A6.
- Cerritelli, F., Iacopini, A., Galli, M., Thomson, O.P., Sundberg, T., Leach, M.J. and Adams, J. Evidence-based practice among Italian osteopaths: a national cross-sectional survey. BMC complementary medicine and therapies, 2021, vol. 21, p. 1-10.
- Leach, M.J., Palmgren, P.J., Thomson, O.P., Fryer, G., Eklund, A., Lilje, S., Adams, J., Skillgate, E. and Sundberg, T., Skills, attitudes and uptake of evidence-based practice: a cross-sectional study of chiropractors in the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 2021, vol. 29, no 1, p. 1-12.
- Sundberg, T., Leach, M.J., Lilje, S., Thomson, O.P., Fryer, G., Palmgren, P.J., Adams, J. and Skillgate, E. Attitudes, skills and implementation of evidence-based practice: a national cross-sectional survey of licensed naturopaths in Sweden. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 2023, vol. 31, no 1, p. 3.
- Cerritelli, F., (…) Thomson O. Osteopathy: Italian professional profile. A professional commentary by a group of experts of the European community of practice. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2021, vol. 40, p. 22-28.
- Vaughan, B., Steel, A., Fleischmann, M., Grace, S., Fitzgerald, K., Engel, R. and Adams, J. Osteopathy in rural and remote Australia: analysis of demographic, practice and clinical management characteristics from a nationally representative sample of 992 osteopaths. Rural and remote health, 2023, vol. 23, no 1, p. 1-9.
- Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., Bird, A., Grace, S., Fitzgerald, K. and McLeod, G. Demographic, practice and clinical management characteristics of osteopaths referring to podiatrists: secondary analysis of a nationally representative sample of Australian osteopaths. BMC Health Services Research, 2022, vol. 22, no 1, p. 224.
- Kesava Kovanur Sampath; Suzie Belcher; James Hale; Oliver P Thomson; Gerard Farrell; Angela Spontelli Gisselman; Rajesh Katare; Steve Tumilty. The role of micro-RNAs in neuropathic pain: a scoping review. PAIN Reports® [accepted for publication]
- McIntyre et al.; Leadership and capacity building in international osteopathic research: introducing Strengthening Osteopathic Leadership and Research (SOLAR) programme [under submission]
- Collective book: Osteopathic mythologies, under the direction of L’Hermite P-L, L’harmattan [in press]
- Treffel L: out of place vertebra myth
- Draper-Rodi J: Holism in osteopathy myth
Presentations from the SOLAR fellows
- ROE conference (Majorca): April 2023
- Morin C. Interprofessional collaboration.
- Treffel L. Neuropathic pain after breast cancer.
- Cerritelli F. Overview of osteopathic management of paediatric conditions.
- Draper-Rodi J. How to support osteopaths to engage with research. Keynote presentation
- Cerritelli, Morin & Draper-Rodi: round table on osteopathic professional identity
- Quantum Global (Milan) April 2023
- Cerritelli F. Ferreira AP, Morin C. moderators
- Danske Osteopater conference (Copenhagen), April 2023
- Cerritelli, F. Overview of osteopathic literature and impact.
- Draper-Rodi, J. Danish, Europe and UK data from the PROMs projects.
- JOdP (Paris) June 2023
- Morin, C. ENT management.
- Treffel, L. Cervical kinematic recorder project
- Draper-Rodi, J. Manual therapy effectiveness for cervicogenic headaches
- Nordic Osteopathic Alliance Webinar series fall 2023
- Sinderholm Sposato N.
- Thomson O. What’s wrong with osteopathy?
- Draper-Rodi & Fabusuyi. Becoming a more inclusive practice
- ITO-IRFO congress (Toulouse) September 2023
- Steel & Adams. Growing capacity in osteopathy
- All Solar fellows. Research collaboration [round table]
- Treffel L. MyotonPRO: how and why to use it ? [workshop]
- Treffel L. Medical ultrasound in osteopathic practice [workshop]
- Treffel L. ALGOS protocol [Poster]
- Treffel L. Osteopathy in post mastectomy after breast cancer: a case series [Poster]
- COME Collaboration series on Setting up your own PBRN between May and October 2023
- Steel A & Draper-Rodi J. Facilitated by Vaucher P. Presenting PBRNs: two webinars and one workshop